Friday, March 28, 2008

knitting fiend

i couldn't sleep last night, so i instead worked feverishly on the dizzy hat. i can see the swirl pattern and it pleases me since i previously epic-failed with the other yarn. :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

tying up loose ends... harharhar...

get it? get it? it's a yarn jo-.... nevermind. :)
i'm on spring break from my long-term sub job (two weeks and i get a break already!). it's a good thing that i didn't have a trip planned or anything, because i started feeling incredibly under the weather on good friday and i'm just now starting to feel better.
i've been finishing some items though. the saartje's bootees, which i was afraid to finish due to the closure of the straps, are now finished and it wasn't as bad as i thought.

the little star afghan that i've had hibernating for-freakin-ever is now finished as well. i only had two-and-a-half more rounds to go... why did i put it off?

i'v been spring cleaning and donating to amvets as well. it's part of my make-the-move-from-my-parents'-house-much-easier plan. :)

Sunday, March 09, 2008

suede booties

i finally put the elastic on the inside of the suede "ugg" booties.

i'm sewing the buttons on the saartje's bootees as well. pics to follow because blogger isn't uploading things right now.... :)

i'm snowed in... what else am i going to do. plus, i wanted to make sure my cousin's little girl gets them before easter. good thing i made them a little big!