Sunday, April 11, 2010


currently, i have three projects in need of blocking:
i'm still kind of apprehensive about the whole blocking thing. which has led me to delay the actual completion of these projects... i have the eucalan, the rubbery/squishy pads that will serve as my blocking boards, and the rust-proof pins, i just don't know if i'm going to do it right, so i'm nervous.

i'm not sure if i want to block the clapotis... i kind of like the swirl-texture of this one by hawk on ravelry, and i made mine super-long for a similar uber-scarf effect. i think it could work. i suppose for the moment though too that they all pretty much look like jumbled messes... so anything's gotta be better than that, right? :)

PS -- so excited that i finally got the pattern for the 'swirled pearl shawlette'. i've been looking around for it and all of the lys in the area didn't carry it anymore. the 'lacey lamb' in deep teal is looking great and i'm getting more adept at adding the beads to the lacework. i love a challenge!

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