Thursday, February 18, 2010

it's ON!

in an attempt to finish all the partly-knit projects laying around my house, 'operation ufo: search and destroy' is currently underway. ufo = unfinished object, for the non-yarncrafters out there.

'gail' shawl (warning, pdf file!): completed knitting this week, needs to be blocked
'russian winter' hat: halfway done knitting, after i re-read the directions
'mermanda & mermandrew': will restart once i decide how i want to apply the hair
'mon petit chou': will restart once i get the urge to read another knitting chart

there are more ufo's, unfortunately. these are the projects that are on my priority list though.

i bought a skein of yarn this week because it's a new line that we carry at joann's. it's bamboo ewe by debbie stoller, a bamboo and wool blend. can't wait to make a hat or some wristwarmers with it. :)

1 comment:

Mermanda said...