Friday, April 19, 2013

In the hope that writing will spur more writing,...

... I'm posting in my craft blog. So much has happened since I last blogged - been to San Francisco and back, moved across the river to Northern Kentucky, began attending grad school for special education. Phew! Craziness. This will be quick.

I'm restarting an old project, the Star Chart Blanket. I realized that I still really liked the concept and still had the yarn hanging around, it was just the fact that I tried to start it on #8s that ruined it for me before. It's going to be a mindless knit, but that's okay. I've challenged myself enough recently, both with other projects and with life in general.

I'm also excited to receive a set of KnitPicks Zephyr acrylic interchangeable needles. I've been using the Boye interchangeable set for ages, but with the Magic Loop method, I've felt like I was fighting the cable. I really like the acrylic too, as it has some give to it, isn't as noisy as the metal, and isn't as sticky as the wooden needles. Too bad it was discontinued on the site.... It took some finagling, but I found a set on Kaleidoscope Yarns that was a way-decent price AND 20% off when I signed up for their email list. W00t!

I miss writing. I feel very out of the habit, so sometimes it's difficult to write for school, even though that's more technical writing. I'm feeling more in need of a place to express myself again, so being crafty will also include re-honing (shh, it's totally a word) my writing craft. Hope to see you again soon. :)

1 comment:

Jeannine Napp said...

I don’t have a comment about your blog, but I am trying whatever I can to get in touch! I want to purchase some yarn you have for sale on Ravelry. I understand not everyone is on Ravelry 24/7 like I am, so I figured I’d try something else. Hope using your blog this way doesn’t offend you.

Would you please check for a message from Padittle on Ravelry?
